University Archives Advisory Committee

Minutes - December 2nd, 1992


  1. Update on Records Survey Project
  2. Discussion of Freedom of Information Legislation at the University
  3. Budget Submission (Records Management Position) to the Library for 1993/94
  4. Other Business
  5. Date of Next Meeting

Update on Records Survey Project

Project Coordinator Erwin Wodarczak provided the Committee with a progress report. In addition, Erwin indicated that a report based on the survey would be prepared for the end of February 1993. Ruth suggested we should have a wide circulation of the report including the deans and department heads. Erwin will try to provide some advice to those Student Services units moving into Brock Hall in order to reduce the volume of records that have to be transferred.

Discussion of Freedom of Information Legislation at the University

Although the University has not yet developed a comprehensive plan for the implementation of FOI some encouraging trends seem to be developing.

The importance of records retention policies - policies established by legislation must be put into effect with consistent records-keeping practices across campus (for instance, if it is determined that personal information pertaining to students beyond that maintained by the Registrar's Office may be kept for only one year after the graduation of the student, then this principle will have to be embodied through the development of a systematic records schedule). These policies must be extended to all records-creating units in order to ensure that this institution conforms to FOI requirements.

Recognition that the implementation of FOI will require a significant amount of resources

Importance of proceeding as quickly as possible with the compilation of a records inventory which is required by the Act

Recognition of the necessity of providing training for those responsible for administering records at the University

While is does not appear that the University has yet determined how FOI will be administered at the institution there seems to be recognition of the vital link between legislation implementation and records management.

Terry agreed that he and other members of the Advisory Committee could undertake to have a story published in UBC Reports which would outline the importance of records management in order to "raise its profile".

Impact of FOI on the University Archives

We anticipate that FOI legislation will impact significantly on upon the operations of the University Archives. Past experience in other jurisdictions has suggested that one of the first actions of those offices falling under access legislation is to transfer old records to the Archives. Not only is the University already by far the largest record holder but its holdings are likely to expand even further in the near future. This will place a heavy burden on what is already an understaffed program.

FOI legislation will require that the material in the University Archives (including the sizable backlog) be processed and that file lists of holdings be created to facilitate access. In addition, each file and document requested by researchers will have to be reviewed and information severed as appropriate. We must be prepared for an expanded workload which will require augmentation of existing staff.

Budget Submission (Records Management Position) to the Library for 1993/94

As identified in the Committee's Report members felt it essential that the University hire a records manager to coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive records management program for records creating units at UBC. This need has become even more urgent with the approaching Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation. We must make clear, however, that while the addition of such a position will help prepare for implementation, the legislation will require the development of a number of new positions in the near future. Chris will draft a job description and circulate it to Committee members for comments.

Other Business

Ruth agreed to provide $1,000 for a practicum student in the summer of 1993 (Terry would request an additional $4,000 from the Canadian Council of Archives). Ruth suggested that a portion of the practicum be spent evaluating the current Library filing system.

Date of Next Meeting

February 24th - Librarian's Office, 9:00 - 10:30

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