University Archives Advisory Committee

Minutes - July 17th, 1991


  1. Discussion of Preliminary Results and Feedback for Questionnaire
  2. Discussion of Revised Reporting Structure for University Archives
  3. Date of Next Meeting

Discussion of Preliminary Results and Feedback for Questionnaire

The Committee discussed to the returns from the "test" questionnaire. It was apparent from these samples that there remained some confusion and inconsistencies in the completion of the questionnaire. The Committee identified two possible problems with the document:

  1. That respondents did not entirely understand what they were required to do
  2. The use of terms such as "standardized", "campus-wide" and "centralized" may have made people a little nervous.

After identifying the problems the Committee reviewed the questionnaire. We discussed the possibility of eliminating the preference scale and simply ask for a "yes / no" response to a general question such as "Would you like advice from the University Archives staff on the development of a file classification system or the implementation of a records schedule?" We anticipated that the overwhelming response would be "yes". In addition we already know what the responses will be for other parts of the questionnaire. The Committee discussed the possibility of having the questionnaire filled out by two people in each unit - these being the person responsible for maintaining the records as well as an administrator who used the information from the filing system on a regular basis. Would separate questionnaires be required?

After a lengthy discussion the Committee concluded that a questionnaire might not be the best vehicle by which to inform people about our proposal and to solicit their input. It appeared that people who would actually fill out the questionnaire have a vested interest in their filing system and might not be able to respond in an objective manner. In addition, some will lack the perspective to be able to appreciate the "bigger picture" when it comes to understanding the full spectrum of the institution's recorded information.

The Committee decided to adopt a different approach to developing consensus about the importance of documenting the activities of the University. It was decided that members of the Committee will hold a couple of information sessions to which representatives of the Dean's Offices, larger academic and administrative units and other offices would be invited.

These information sessions will allow us to communicate details about our plans for the future of the University Archives to the larger units on campus and at the same time provide them with an opportunity to discuss their concerns. The time frame for these meetings will be late September.

Discussion of Revised Reporting Structure for University Archives

Prior to the meeting Chris circulated a short background paper (Administrative Placement of the University Archives - Reporting Structure) discussing this issue.

The Committee discussed the relative merits of whether the Archives should remain within the Library or be relocated elsewhere in the University Administration. Although there were pros and cons on both side the general feeling was that the Archives should for the time being remain within the Library with an improved reporting structure. The Library provides the Archives with many ancillary services and it also serves to stress the scholarly and academic side of the program to help complement the obvious administrative functions.

While Ruth Patrick agreed in principle that the University Archivist should report directly to the University Librarian, the Library was not at this time in a position to make a change in the reporting structure that would have financial implications (i.e. funds would have to be found to compensate Special Collections for the loss of reference time). Consequently, it appears that for the time being nothing can be done without increased resources from the University Administration.

Date of Next Meeting

August 28th - Librarian's Office, 10:00 - 11:30

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