University Archives and Records Management Advisory Committee

MINUTES - March 10th, 1994


  1. Minutes from Last Meeting (December 2nd)
  2. Business Arising
  3. Update on University Archives Activities
  4. Presentation by Pat Hagey on Data Management
  5. Other Business
  6. Date for Next Meeting

Minutes from Last Meeting (December 2nd)

Approved without revision.

Business Arising

Chris reported that UBC has now been selected as the British Columbia location for the National Archives' Distant Access program. The module, will be located in the Special Collections & University Archives Division and include computer equipment which will allow researchers to consult National Archives finding aids on CD-ROMS as well as other audio-visual educational and promotional material. Researchers will be able to use microfilm copies of National Archives records which will be made available through inter-library loan. The module will also include a printer and a fax machine so that patrons can make direct requests for material from Ottawa. This is an excellent opportunity for the UBC Library. The project is consistent with the Library's goal of serving as a gateway to information held elsewhere. This partnership will enhance our role as the province's primary research centre and the National Archives will, in turn, benefit from the ancillary holdings of the UBC Library.

Update on University Archives Activities

University Records Management Policy

The Board of Governors at their January 20th meeting approved the Records Management Policy. Chris pointed out that the policy represents the culmination of the efforts of a number of people and that despite seemingly slow progress at times the Advisory Committee has actually been quite successful in realizing a number of its more important goals.

The passage of the policy raises some interesting questions for the Committee. The policy calls for the creation of a Records Disposition Committee with the power to approve requests for the destruction of records and also responsible for the approval of the records schedules as they are developed. This means that we will have the Advisory Committee, a Freedom of Information Committee and a Disposition Committee. We will have to work out the various inter-relationships for all of these committees. There is certainly, however, an on-going role for the University Archives and Records Management Advisory Committee. Heather Keate (who attended the meeting in Dr. Ruth Patrick's absence) was asked if she or Ruth could seek some guidance from Vice President K.D. Srivastava for the Records Disposition Committee which should be placed at a fairly high level (perhaps a President's Committee) because of the importance of the decisions to be rendered in the destruction of University information. Chris will begin to develop a terms of reference for that Committee and make some preliminary suggestions as to what interests should be represented on that committee.

Records Analyst/Archivist's Report (Distributed at meeting)

Presentation by Pat Hagey on Data Management

Unfortunately Pat was not able to be at the meeting and his presentation will be made at the next meeting of the Committee.

Other Business

The Committee raised the issue of using evolving technology in the Archives. Chris replied that the Archives was currently exploring the application of the new technologies but cautioned that they are some concerns at this point about the longevity of the mediums on which the new technologies reside.

Given some of the recent changes in the membership of the Committee Chris agreed to provide a list of the current committee members and their positions.

Date of Next Meeting

May 19, 1994 - Librarian's Office 9:00 am.

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