University Archives Advisory Committee

MINUTES - May 29th, 1991


  1. Minutes from Last Meeting
  2. Discussion of Proposed Policy Statement re: Archival/Information Mgmt. Program
  3. Date of Next Meeting

Minutes from Last Meeting (April 24th)

Approved without revision.

Discussion of Proposed Policy Statement re: Archival/Information Mgmt. Program

The discussion at the meeting focused on the two draft documents prepared and circulated by Chris Hives. The first consisted of a package of material including a memo for all record creating units on campus, a covering letter (hopefully to be signed by President Strangway) and a brief questionnaire. Committee members offered comments on this material which Chris agreed to incorporate into subsequent drafts. It was decided to send a copy of the revised material to Committee members who would in turn "test" it (memo and questionnaire) on one record creating unit. We will use the feedback to develop a final version of the material to be distributed to the campus community.

The second item was a detailed proposal prepared by Chris outlining the development of an integrated information/archives management program for the campus. Again comments ere offered which will be incorporated into the next draft. This document is intended to provide Committee members with a comprehensive overview of the program we are seeking. It might also be used when we make our final presentation to the University Administration after the results of our brief survey are in. This document will be circulated to the Committee in its revised form shortly. Ruth Patrick mentioned that she would like to use it when talking to VP Srivastava to develop a strategy for implementing the program.

Date of Next Meeting

July 10th - Librarian's Office, 10:00 - 11:30

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